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Contact details

GOLDSTEIG Käsereien Bayerwald GmbH

Siechen 11
93413 Cham

Tel.: +49 (0)9971/844-0
Fax: +49 (0)9971/844-1090


Cham head office

The administration and logistics centre are based at the Cham head office. Mozzarella, semi-hard cheeses and hard cheeses are made in all their variations in the three dairies.

Company number: DE - BY 301 - EG

Tittling plant

Our dairy in Tittling makes "Italian style" cream cheese like ricotta and mascarpone. 

Company number: DE - BY 261 - EG

Stephansposching plant

Our dairy in Stephansposching produces skimmed milk concentrate and butter. 

Company number: DE - BY 23012 - EG