Emmentaler Sortiment von GOLDSTEIG auf Holztisch: Emmentaler hauchdünn, am Stück 250g, am Stück 400g und in Scheiben

Emmental specialities

GOLDSTEIG Emmental hard cheese is very popular with cheese lovers as a result of its mild and nutty, fine flavour and is the perfect type of cheese for a tasty cheese sandwich or savoury snack. A versatile type of cheese!

Emmentaler Stück von GOLDSTEIG mit Petersilie und Radischen. Laktosefrei und Vegetarisch.

Emmental Cheese Block, 250 g and 400 g

This block is perfect for a hearty cold snack and can also be used versatilely when cooking hot food. With its nutty, mild flavour and typical holes it is the favourite in the world of cheese.

Product details & recipes

Emmentaler Scheiben von GOLDSTEIG mit Petersilie und Radischen. Laktosefrei und Vegetarisch.

Emmental Cheese Slices, 150 g

These nutty, mild slices combine the typical flavour with practical convenience and are therefore ideal for a tasty snack, delicious sandwiches or as a topping for oven baked dishes.

Product details & recipes

Emmentaler Scheiben hauchdünn von GOLDSTEIG mit Petersilie auf Brot. Laktosefrei und Vegetarisch.

Wafer-Thin Emmental Cheese Slices, 125 g

These wafer-thin slices are sliced extra thin to enhance the nutty, mild flavour even more. The extremely thin slices are perfect to enjoy on their own and also ideal as a topping for sophisticated oven baked dishes.

Product details & recipes

Emmentaler gerieben von GOLDSTEIG mit Lauch. Laktosefrei und Vegetarisch.

Grated Emmental, 200 g

Thanks to the way this grated cheese melts so ideally, it is perfect for oven baked dishes and refining pasta. At the same time, it naturally impresses with its typical mild, nutty flavour.

Product details & recipes

Frau steht mit Schürze in der Küche und hebt gerade den Topfdeckel an. Auf der Arbeitsfläche sieht man geschnittene Tomaten liegen.

Andreas Meier recommends!

Surprise your friends and family with these exceptional Emmental recipes, created exclusively by our herb chef Andreas Meiergoes really well with this. You can find even more delicious recipes here:

Overview of recipes

Mozzarella Käsefacts präsentiert vm GOLDSTEIG Käsemeister mit einem Stück Emmentaler in der Goldsteig Käserei

Fascinating facts about Emmental!

Presented by our GOLDSTEIG cheese master

Who would have thought?

How the holes are made in Emmental

Most people will know that the typical holes in certain types of cheese, for example our Emmental from GOLDSTEIG, are definitely not made by mice.

The holes are the result of so-called propionic acid fermentation. The lactic acid bacteria added when making cheese out of milk produce gases, mainly carbonic acid. As they cannot escape any more due to the rind, they leave cavities in the cheese.

The amount and size of the holes depends on the number of lactic acid bacteria and storage temperature while maturing. The more bacteria and the higher the temperature, the more holes can be found in the cheese in the end.

The maturity test

Why Emmental is naturally lactose-free

Kühe von GOLDSTEIG auf grüner Wiese mi Wald im Hintergrund. Vegetarisch und Laktosefrei Kennzeichnung

Roughly 15% of the German-speaking population suffer from a lactose intolerance. This means they are intolerant to milk and dairy products. The reason for this is the lactose contained in milk.

However, many of the types of cheeses from GOLDSTEIG, including Emmental, are naturally lactose-free. The reason for this is the cheeses’ long maturing time. During maturing the lactose is degraded so much that the final lactose content is less than 0.1%.

Cheese lovers who suffer from a lactose intolerance can therefore enjoy GOLDSTEIG’s cheese specialities with the label “Naturally lactose-free” without any problems.

Who invented it?

Why there’s a real war over the name “Emmental”

Frau mit Schweizer Flagge vor Kühen auf einer grünen Wiese

When you think of cheese, the first thing that usually springs to mind is Emmental and Switzerland. With its holes and unique flavour, Emmental is unmistakable and the cheese counter has been unimaginable without it for a long time.

However, there was a dispute over its name for many years. The fact is that the cheese was invented in the early 19th century in Emmental. However, this type of cheese wasn’t just enjoyed by Swiss cheese lovers but was met with enthusiasm beyond the Swiss borders too.

Other countries, for example France, Germany and Austria, started to produce this cheese soon afterwards too and called it Emmental too. The Swiss were only able to have the term “Emmentaler AOP” protected in 2000. At this point in time, the name was already spread all over the world though.

Wafer-thin is “in”

Why wafer-thin Emmental is so flavourful

Eine Scheibe hauchdünner Emmentaler von GOLDSTEIG in einer Hand gehalten

Wafer-thin cheese slices are becoming more and more popular, especially fro cheese sandwiches. Why is that?

Emmental already impresses with its nutty, mild flavour in a block. But when the cheese is cut into wafer-thin slices its nutty, mild flavour is enhanced even more as it literally melts in your mouth.

By the way, there’s a legend that monks in the Swiss canton of Jura used to always secretly cut a very thin slice of the semi-hard cheese wheel at night in the hope that nobody would notice. The monks had already realised how tasty wafer-thin cheese can be back then. So - enjoy your cheese!

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