Tomato and parsley root soup with ricotta

  • Simple
Frau steht mit Schürze in der Küche und hebt gerade den Topfdeckel an. Auf der Arbeitsfläche sieht man geschnittene Tomaten liegen.

Parsley meets tomatoes

“With this ricotta recipe the ricotta, plays an important supporting role. Parsley root is naturally a very soft vegetable and the basis here. The ricotta, can really thicken the soup without dominating the flavour. Tomatoes give the whole thing an acidic counterpart, which is also very important. The three parts simply harmonise with each other really well and mutually support each other. Delicious herbs, for example chives or cleaver, can be used here as little tasty decorations. By the way, cleaver is also good for the digestion as the wild herbs’ tannings stimulate the digestive system and therefore prevent you from feeling stuffed after eating. This ricotta recipe is suitable as both a starter and main dish. With bread the soup is also really filling.”

About the chef


  1. Fry the tomato paste in a pan with a bit of oil until brown and add the tomato puree.
  2. Peel the parsley roots, dice them and boil the peel. Lightly fry the
  3. GOLDSTEIG Butter in a pan (nut butter). Add the parsley roots to the GOLDSTEIG Butter and fry lightly.
  4. Add the meat stock, cream, milk, tomato base and boiled stock from the peel and leave to simmer for about 10 minutes. Cut the GOLDSTEIG Ricotta, to the soup and puree.
  5. Season the finished soup with salt and pepper. Garnish the served soup with chives.


For 8 people:

Recipe download
Ricotta Rezept Tomaten Petersilienwurzel Suppe mit Butter und Ricotta von GOLDSTEIG in Gusstopf
Rezept teilen - Iphone mit Foto von Gericht mit GOLDSTEIG Produkten

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